An incredible time was had by all in Richmond, VA, as we kicked off our 2024-25 season with a probation friendly opening reception on Friday night and a Saturday full of films, art, community partners, and more!
February 1, 2025
In partnership with Christopher Newport University & Virginia CARES we're bringing the voices and talents of incarceration survivors to the Hampton Roads community!
March 18 & 19, 2025
Partnering with Emerson College and justice documentarians, we're creating a unique event that will bring together incarceration survivors, students, thought leaders, and the public to celebrate what's possible after incarceration.
May 2 & 3, 2023
In partnership with Virginia CARES we're heading to Southwest Virginia to celebrate the voices and talents of incarceration survivors!
September 27, 2025
Partnering with Indiana CURE, Reform Alliance, and other community partners we'll bring the community together to celebrate the voices and talents of incarceration survivors in the Midwest!
Working with the Mississippi Museum of Art we're coming to the Deep South to provide a platform for local incarceration surviors to show how they've gone from incarceation to thriving!
In the Spring we're returning to NOVA with the support of OAR & OAR-NOVA to bring the message of second chances to one of the largest metro areas in the US.
In the center of Virginia's prison industry we'll be back to change the narrative of incarceration survivors as they share their stories on their terms!
Partnering with Virginia CARES, we're amplifying the voices and talents of incarceration survivors in Fredericksburg, VA!
We have a few more locations we're not ready to annouce yet-check back for more updates!
Find out about all the exciting projects that folks who survived incarceration are working on around the country and what's happening next for the Inthrive Film Festival!
Click "Donate Now" to help support this festival!
Are you ready to submit a film? Submissions open on April 14 for the 2024-25 season that starts with our kick-off festival in Richmond, VA, on October 19!